Featured Post – Top Tips for keeping your dog cool

Hot and sunny weather can come as a bit of a shock to us humans and even more so to our fluufy friends so we’ve put together a list of tips for the Petworkers to help keep their dogs cool. Most of the below could also be useful for other pets suffering in the heat:

  • Keep a water bowl near at all times. This may be a obvious one but dogs really need water when it gets hot. Letting the dog play in water as well, can give them a boost. Let them play with a sprinkler or a small pool.
  • Make sure there is some shade for them. If you have a fence around your garden, clear around it so they can lay in the shade. Or make a canopy with a thin blanket for them. Raising the dog house in the shade will improve ventilation.
  • Go swimming! Most dogs love a swim or at least a paddle. If you don’t have access to a river or lake try dipping your pooch’s paws in cool water or wrapping them with cloths soaked in cold water, you can also place these in their arm pits and on the back of their head.
  • We recommend NEVER leaving you dog in a hot car. If you have to then always leave windows open for them and leave them some water. In heat it is dangerous leaving your dog in the car, and you could get in trouble with animal welfare.
  • Limit exercise. If they are playing all day in the sun, it can really take a toll on them. You might consider skipping their daily walk or else you might want to take them early in the morning or later in the day when it’s cooler.
  • Get them a hair cut. Thick haired dogs can have real problems in the heat so it would be a really good idea to get their fur cut. Go to a dog groomers to get it done properly; do not do it yourself!
  • Watch out for sunburn. Dogs can get sunburned as well! You can get sunscreen just for your dog. Many short haired, and bald dogs suffer from sunburn. Make sure your dog has sunscreen if their fur is short.
  • Avoid hot flooring. Pavement can get really hot in the summer and walking on it can hurt your dogs paws just as much as it would hurt your feet. Let them roam on grass if its available.Or get your dog a pair of booties for their feet.
  • Check on your dog regularly. If your dog begins to show any signs of being too hot, get them well away from the sun. If they are showing signs of severe distress or getting blisters, contact your vet.
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